The revalidation of your BE300/350/1900 SFI qualification aims to maintain your qualification which has not exceeded the end of validity period (3 years).
Etre titulaire d’une qualification SFI en état de validité.
For the revalidation of an SFI qualification, the candidate must, during the validity period of the SFI qualification, satisfy 2 of the 3 following requirements :
1) Perform 50 hours as instructor or examiner on FSTD, including at least 15 hours in the 12 months preceding the expiry date of the SFI qualification,
2) Attend an instructor refresher training as an SFI within an ATO,
3) Pass a skills assessment, which consists of a presentation of a pre-flight briefing, a debriefing and an assessment of your theoretical knowledge.
In addition, the candidate must have performed on a FFS, the competence check for the issue of BE300/1900 Type Rating.
At least every 2 revalidation of an SFI qualification, the incumbent must pass the relevant sections of the competency assessment in accordance with FCL.935.